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Ms. Shyann
Lead Teacher
Ms. Shyann has worked in childcare for five years, and has been with us at Grace Neal for a year. Helping kids explore exciting new ways of learning brings her the greatest joy. She creates an incredible learning environment that encourages kids to achieve and exceed their goals.
What you can expect
Our preschool classrooms focus on getting children ready to enter Kindergarten. With added structure your child will enjoy:
Circle Time
to help further their social/emotional and language/literacy development.
Arts & Crafts
allows them to further their fine motor skills and creative expression.
Math & Science
to develop cognitive thinking and prepare them for Kindergarten.
Play Time
playing games and spending time on the playground continues their physical and cognitive development.
Bible Activities
allows our children to learn about and experience God's unending love.
Ms. Shyann loves to help her kids feel loved and encouraged everyday! Every morning during Circle Time, our preschoolers work on things like continuing to learn their ABC's, the days of the week, months of the year, and simple spelling activities. They also spend a little time listening to and learning some awesome Bible stories. Ms. Shyann also enjoys working on fun art projects with her kids so they continue to learn how to grip pencils/crayons/markers and use scissors. Our Pre-K friends also love to play outside, go on nature walks, and play plenty of games that encourage big body movement and help coordination.
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